Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Recusal Perusal

At first I tried to FIRE!!! them but I was told I CAN’T!!!
So instead I have now embarked upon a “RECUSE” rant
That is some kind of fancy “word” that means STAY OFF MY CASE!!!
STOP “passing judgement” about ME!!! Your STUPID SELVES efface!!!

SNOTadmirer and Ruthless GinzTURD MUST “RECUSE”
On EVERY “court case” about ME to ENSURE I DON’T LOSE!!!
TurtleMan and I stacked the deck SO RIGHT-WINGEDLY
It is a CRIME to let LIBERALS!!! “decide” AGAINST ME!!!

WITHOUT them EVERY “case” concerning ME WILL go MY WAY!!!
It’s thus a CRIME AGAINST ME!!! if they’re both allowed to stay!!!
Because they’re “female”  and as LIBERAL!!! as they can be
It is NOT in their “nature” to FORGIVE SKULL-DUGGERY!!!

It’s time to kick them to the curb when it comes to TRUMP “cases”
To SIDELINE them and put MY TOADY “Judges” through their paces
Until I CHANGE that so-called “law” that keeps them NON-RETIRED
I DEMAND they “RECUSE” themselves ‘till I can scream “YOU’RE FIRED”!!!

25 February 2020

Trump Demands Justices Sotomayor and Ginsburg Recuse Themselves From Cases Involving Him

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