Saturday, February 1, 2020


Time to spread a bit MORE “racist” travel BAN!!! around
To lower the chance NON-WHITES!!! from DARK PLACES!!! can be found
Getting onto planes to POLLUTE MY “Land of the Free”!!!
By getting off HERE and thus being ANYWHERE NEAR ME!!!
I HEREBY DENY ANY “right” to travel to HERE hence
From “six” additional sh*tholes regardless of expense!!!

“Niggeria” ESPECIALLY does MY BAN!!! to apply
Just look around and you WILL see the skin tone reason why!!!
There are by far TOO MANY HERE ALREADY with BLACK!!! skin
And MY BAN!!! ENSURES fewer “darkies” WILL be allowed in!!!
I wanted total “blanket” BAN!!! like with a “document”
But they told ME pacing MYSELF would “hide” MY “racist” bent.

The bottom line is “racist” BANS!!! PRESERVE WHITE STATUS QUO
Which has been losing ground for YEARS to “coloreds”, AS ALL KNOW!!!
For YEARS under the LIBERALS!!! DARK faces flooded in!!!
But with MY travel “BAN” I’ve started “rectifying” SIN!!!
It may take YEARS and MANY MANY MORE sh*tholes to BAN!!!
But through “housecleaning” WHITE “numbers” I’ll VASTLY HERE EXPAND!!!

1 February 2020

Trump administration unveils expanded travel ban

Trump expands travel ban to six additional countries

Trump Administration Extends Travel Ban To Six More Countries, Stops Granting ‘Diversity Visas’

Trump’s expanded travel ban will hit Nigerians the hardest

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