Wednesday, February 26, 2020


As anyone could tell from MY “presser” I had today
I do NOT have a CLUE about this “virus” stuff, OK??
But also I don’t give a DAMN about what it could do
The ONLY thing I “care” about is MY MARKET is BLUE!!!
And that’s because the stupid “virus” has “investors” down
And NOT because about it I am acting like a CLOWN!!!

I opened up MY “presser” with a random ramble ‘round
The random “thoughts” cascading through MY Brane that aren’t “profound”
But what else could I talk about??? This “virus” I DON’t “get”
Except that it is IMPACTING the thing on which I’ve bet
To ENSURE I am RE-ELECTED thanks to MONEY!!! flows
From “donors” who thanks to TAX BREAKS have GREAT “portfolios”

If their NET WORTH takes a BIG DIVE thanks to this “virus” SCAM
I WILL NOT get the FUNDS!!! I NEED to “ballot boxes” cram!!!
And that is why I’m pushing FLU!!! as EXACTLY the same
At this “caronavirus” thing in EVERYTHING but “name”
I got that “idea” from Rush Limbaugh, MY Dear Honoree
Along with out of “China” FLU as “Bio-Weaponry”!!!

By calling the “FLU” DANGEROUS and this “virus” ALL BUT
I’m honoring Honoree Rush, MY “Conspiracy” NUT
But because “China” has AS MUCH on ME as “Russia” has
I down-played “Bio-Weaponry” although it made ME “sad”
To NOT mention the KEY to Rush’s “Conspiracy” claim
That “China’s” TARGETED ME!!! to NOT RE-ELECTION gain!!!

Instead I blamed the DEMONcrats, and said I “think” I “thought”
That it was BERNIE!!! who is making MY Great MARKET ROT!!!
And I kept saying “IT WILL END!!!” although it was obscure
“What” or “Who” WILL END or “When” and “How” that END is SURE
Tomorrow when MY MARKET “opens” we’ll just have to see
How MANY bought MY “reassurance” ALL’S WELL, BELIEVE ME!!!

26 February 2010

Everyone Is Fine: Trump Says the ‘Caronavirus’ Isn’t as Bad as CDC Reports

Donald Trump Wants You To Know He Has The Coronavirus Totally Under Control

Trump says 'quite a bit' of sell-off is fear a Democrat will win election, along with coronavirus

Trump “furious” CDC issued coronavirus warnings because they “spooked” stock market: Report

Trump blames Monday and Tuesday’s stock market slide on Dem debate that happened Tuesday night

Hey, Trump supporters: He'd rather endanger your health than lose an election

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