Thursday, February 27, 2020

Heat Exchange

Robbing “Peter” to pay “Paul” is the game I MUST play
Where “Peter” is the “virus” and “Paul” is MY WALL!!!, OK???
I WILL NOT take funds from MY WALL!!! just because some dumb “Flu”
Is making the “Chinese” sniffle and KILLING one or two!!!
But taking MONEY!!! from the “poor”??? That is just FINE with ME!!!

Any “program” that has some kind of “social” connection
I say deserves the Chopping Block for MONEY!!! MISDIRECTION!!!
DOLLARS!!! spent on “helping” the “poor” is to ME a WASTE
And I WILL be a HERO if I get this “bug” erased
Therefore to both PROTECT MY WALL and make “virus” moves BOLD
I’ll remove “heat” from LOSERS!!! who are used to being “cold”!!!

If “poor” “people” are “cold” they should to Florida just move
NOT NEAR Mar-a-Lago, of course, but in “swamps” they could snooze
The “heat” in “swamps” is “natural” thanks to hot Mr. Sun
And would impart an Orange glow to those like ME who come
Because I’m TAKING “heating” MONEY to the “virus” FIGHT!!!
The “Poor” who are “cold” had better pack and hop the next flight!!!

And “poor” “kids” can eat PASTE like I did when they are at “school”
So that is MORE CASH!!! MISDIRECTION!!! I can overrule
There are a LOT of pots of MONEY!!! like it to be found
Just lift up ANY “social program” rock and it’s around!!!
There is NO NEED to “divert” BUCKS!!! I NEED to fund MY WALL!!!
The “poor” can just tighten their belts to fund “contagion’s” stall!!!

27 February 2020

Trump Insists on Paying for Coronavirus Prep by Taking Heating Aid From Poor

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