Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Investment Advice

Because I “know” more than ALL so-called “doctors” I’ll reveal
A “vaccine” is a “vaccine”, OK??? So what’s the big deal???
If I say one is “close” it IS and that’s the bottom line
In the end they’re ALL the same so BOUND to work JUST FINE!!!
Meanwhile let’s hear it for MY “stock market”!!! It’s looking GREAT!!!
It’s BOUND to BOUNCE BACK once I’ve ended this “virus” debate!!!

Believe National Honoree Rush, he like ME has “insight”
This “virus” is the COMMON COLD and there’s NO NEED for FRIGHT!!!
Slay Calm and Carry On with “stock investments” to delay
MY “market’s” CRASH that DOES NOT “look” MORE likely EVERY day!!!
Rush and I “know” MORE than ALL “doctors” you can combine
BUY LOTS of “stocks”, drink Orange Juice, and things WILL turn out FINE!!!

Like Rush I also “know” the CHINESE brewed up this bug scare
They “Bio-Weaponized” the “cold” and spread it EVERYWHERE
There are so MANY “cold germ” spreading CHINESE ALL can see
That just by coughing they create world-wide CATASTROPHE!!!
I DO NOT “care” how many of THEM “die”, there’s PLENTY MORE!!!
But I MUST DEFEND!!! MY “Stock Market” from their BIO-WAR!!!

To NOT be “invested” in “markets” just ‘cause they’re “chaotic”!!!
Put your MONEY!!! into “stocks” and sit back and RELAX!!!
Eventually this “black swan” thing is BOUND to grow MORE LAX!!!
Buy MORE “stocks” ALL the way DOWN!!! Rush and I say they WILL MEND!!!
Thumb at FEAR the nose you’re blowing!!! SOUND “advice” we send!!!

26 February 2020

Trump claims vaccine is 'very close' amid coronavirus outbreak — but White House says he was talking about Ebola

Even Republicans Are Worried the Trump Administration Isn't Ready for a Coronavirus Outbreak

Trump is already bungling the coronavirus response — and it could get much worse

Trump’s reckless coronavirus statements put the entire US at risk

Trump boasts about the Stock Market — after the worst day of investor panic in two years

Rush Limbaugh Claims the Coronavirus is "the Common Cold," and Also a Chinese Bio-Weapon

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