Saturday, February 29, 2020

External Crisis

Ever since I WON!!! this “job” it’s been MY SECRET FEAR
A “crisis” would show I’m a BIGGER FOOL than I appear!!!
So far EACH “crisis” I’ve encountered’s been of MY OWN making
But this “external virus crisis” has ME SCARED!!! and SHAKING!!!

I have re-cast MY “virus” “story” from “GOOD” to a “PLOT”!!!
Along the way I’ve claimed as a “cold” it holds “dangers” NOT!!!
I’ve muzzled ALL so-called “doctors” to “expertise” rein in
And claimed that I “know” MORE than ALL of some dumb “group” again!!

I’ve in RAGE BULLIED the damned thing to control its transmission
But even claiming it’s a HOAX!!! as NOT FORCED its submission!!!
Dense Pence is doing a GREAT “job” controlling info flow
But even that is not causing the MY MARKET “crash” to slow!!!

EVERY self-“crisis” before I’ve CONTROLLED through and through
But I did NOT “cause” this one so WHAT THE HELL DO I DO???
The ONLY thing still left to ME is to DEMONcrats BLAME
While “hoping” that a MIRACLE bails MY ASS OUT AGAIN!!!

29 February 2020

Trump accuses Democrats of coronavirus 'hoax' as confirmed cases in US gather pace

Virus' effect on world economy grows after Trump lashes out

HBO’s Maher scorches Trump for calling coronavirus a ‘hoax’: ‘Not something he can lie his way out of’

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