Thursday, January 16, 2020

Ship of Hate

Nazi Steve has stayed out of the limelight for awhile
Sailing under the radar doing things Nazi style
Steering his “caged kids” campaign on the sly quietly
So What if he “echos” WHITE Nationalists??? Fine by ME!!!

In “three” short years he’s helped ME sail MY Country to its knees
By steering its “world standing” LOWER BILLIONS of degrees!!!
The “shining city on the hill” that Reagan used to tout
Thanks to his Nazi seamanship’s COMPLETELY turned about!!!

MY Ship of Hate is sailing upon Un-Swamp-Drained CESSPOOLS
NO “moral compass” guides it on its Twilight SEWER cruise
I am of course its Captain and Nazi Steve’s MY First Mate
NO other TOADY in MY crew steers MY Ship with SUCH HATE!!!

But now a “growing chorus” of calls has begin to mount
To make Nazi Steve “walk the plank” because he’s such a LOUT!!!
As if that was enough to scuttle one I hold so “dear”
As Nazi Crews go he’s the BEST, so he need have NO fear!!!

I’ll NEVER FIRE!!! Nazi Steve, he means SO MUCH to ME!!!
He’s Great at sailing MY Ship of Hate to new LOW degree!!!
So What if “caged kids” DIE along the voyage he has charted???
Such things must be EXPECTED when you’re by a Nazi carted.

16 January 2019

Stephen Miller Echoes White Nationalists In Leaked Anti-DACA Emails

Stephen Miller’s Contempt for Immigrants Laid Bare in New Leaked Emails

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