Thursday, January 16, 2020

Trial Break

DESPITE MY last-ditch efforts to throw MY IMPEACHMENT!!! out
MY “trial” date has now arrived,  a date I could NOT rout!!!!
I tried “ten” ways from Sunday to make it just go away
By labeling it HOAX!!! and SCAM!!! I “thought” I’d WIN!!!, OK???
But DEMONcrats have got MORE VOTES!!! than I do in the “House”
So until “Senate” TOADS ACQUIT!!!! I’ll sit around and grouse.

Today, they say, is a “solemn” occasion. Well, maybe
But ALL I “care” about it is it is ALL ABOUT ME!!!
And since the deck’s ALREADY stacked with TOADS who WON’T play “fair”
I can face MY impending “Trial” WITHOUT ANY “care”!!!
In “fact” I “care” SO LITTLE about what’s now going down
I “think” I’ll blow MY “Trial” off and head back out to of town!!!

So BRING IT ON, you DEMONcrats, you HAVEN’T got a prayer!!!
You CAN’T WIN!!! a TOAD “Trial” packed with “jurors” who AREN’T “fair”!!!
The stage is set, the die is cast, the BEST that you can do
Is hope post MY ACQUITTAL!!! I DON’T throw LAWSUITS!!! at you!!!
Time to head out at “Taxpayer” expense to play a round
While MY TOADS play around with what “justice” can still be found.

16 January 2019

Senate to open impeachment trial against President Trump; arguments begin in earnest Tuesday. Here's what to expect.

How Will the Senate Get Away With Its Sham Trial Now?

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