Monday, January 20, 2020

Trumped Oath

Of Course the so-called “oath’s” a JOKE!!! That’s as plain as can be!!!
MY TOADS ENSURE there WILL be NO “impartiality”!!!
They “took” the “Oath” and signed the “Book” because that’s what you do
To PRETEND you’re “impartial” before you “justice” eschew!!!
In topsy-turvy TRUMPWORLD “up” and “down” switch endlessly
So COMPLETELY “partial” “impartiality” there’ll be!!!

MY knot of “Hill” TOADS has lately been grumbling a bit
A FEW are “worried” “Oath-taking” could land them in some Sh*t!!!
At least in the far “future” they’re AFRAID!!! they WON’T “look” WELL
If after “Oaths” and “Books” they tell “justice” to GO TO HELL!!!
I’ll have to ratchet up their FEAR!!! to FORCE them back in line!!!
To achieve pre-ordained ACQUITTAL!!! I DON’T have much time!!!

NO stupid “Oath” will overide the FEAR!!! that I instill
In weak-“willed” RepubliSCAM TOADS to bend them to MY WILL!!!
I WILL DEMAND that they ALL “lie” while “under oath” for ME
Because they ‘know” that if they don’t UNEMPLOYED!!! they’ll SOON be!!!
They’ll commit “career” SUICIDE!!!, EACH ONE I WILL DEFEAT!!!
I have PLENTY of LOYAL!!! TOADS ready to take their “seat”!!!

There’s NO “point” asking if that stupid “Oath” they took’s a JOKE!!!
NO TOAD I OWN I WILL EVER “release” from their SLAVE YOKE!!!
Because they took ANOTHER “Oath” that is TOTALLY BINDING!!!
So DESPITE HOW BAD the conclusion of their “future’s” finding
They have NO CHOICE!!! Their LOYALTY “Oath” TO ME makes it clear
That other stupid “oath” they “took” is NOT the one to FEAR!!!

20 January 2020

Is the Oath a Joke?

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