Monday, January 20, 2020

Kill Switch

The GOP did NOT have the VOTES!!! needed to DISMISS
MY SHAM!!! WITCH HUNT!!! IMPEACHMENT!!! “Trial” from their “To-Do” list!!!
And now MORE “evidence” is piling up HIGH AGAINST ME!!!
And DISLOYAL!!! TOADS may allow some WITNESSES!!! to be!!!
TurtleMan ASSURED ME  he could FAST MY “Trial” rend
But it may take his SECRET “Kill-Switch” to make this thing END!!!

MY “Senate” TOADS ALL FEAR!!! to EVER once with ME “collide”!!!
They ALL “know” if they do they’ll be committing SUICIDE!!!
They’d be flushing their “careers” down the TOILET ALL THE WAY
If they DARED NOT to VOTE!!! to ACQUIT!!! ME I’d make them PAY!!!
I don’t “know” why they’re of a BULLY “Toddler” AFRAID
Suffice it to say that they ARE, therefore I’ve got it made!!!

But TurtleMan’s “Kill-Switch” had better be VERY WELL made
Because if things “go South” sometime during MY SHAM charade
I NEED him to be ready to give that “Kill-Switch” a flip
As HARD AS HE CAN to ANY attempt at “fairness” strip
And to KILL ANY shred of “justice” DEMONcrats sneak in
To PREVENT MY ACQUITTAL!!! as a foregone conclusion!!!

20 January 2020

Graham: Senate GOP doesn’t ‘have the votes’ to dismiss impeachment trial

GOP senators considering 'kill switch' option should impeachment trial spiral out of control

Trump's Senate impeachment hearings will be driven by the GOP's fear

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