Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Midnight Moscow Mitch

“Moscow” Mitch has had a TREMENDOUS “idea”, all right???
He “plans” to hold MY “Trial” in the Middle of the Night!!!
At least that’s when “key testimony” WILL get “time” to speak
(The term “time” being “relative” and something he WILL tweak)
To Rush MY Rush to SHAM “justice” through it’s a BRILLIANT “plan”!!!
So What if he’s called “Midnight” Mitch from now on??? HE DA MAN!!!

As MY Greatest “Enabler” Mitch is ALL he can be!!!
He’ll go down as the Greatest TurtleMan in “history”!!!
And NOT just because of his Turtle chin and neck and eye
He also pulls his head into in his shell when FOES pass by!!!
When DEMONcrats screaming to get a “FAIR Trial!!!” are heard
Just like a Turtle he WITHDRAWS and WILL NOT “hear” a word!!!

So here’s to Midnight Moscow Mitch, “Enabler” SUPREME!!!
His tight grip on the “Senate’s” balls is a JOY to be seen!!!
He’s clamped on them just like a Turtle clamps on lettuce leaves
Thanks to him there WILL be a Midnight “Trial” NO ONE sees!!!
NOBODY WILL stay up late enough to hear Dem LIES told!!!
MY “Trial” WILL go SWIFTER than his head he can unfold!!!

And if by chance SOMEBODY stays up late and listens in
MY SHAM “Trial” WILL pass before they can “protest”  begin!!!
Thanks to the TurtleMan who with “procedures” does so fiddle!!!
He’ll draw his head back out of his shell once I’m FREE AT LAST!!!
And like ALL GOOD RepubliSCAMS shove it back up his ASS.

21 January 2019

McConnell proposes swift impeachment trial for Trump

Carl Bernstein Hits Mitch McConnell With Scathing New Nickname That Explodes On Twitter

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