Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Hurry Up!

I do NOT “know” why TurtleMan lets the DEMONcrats talk!!!
AS ALL KNOW MY RepubliSCAMS WILL ACQUIT!!! ME “en bloc”!!!
Why should they have to waste time “listening” to what Dems say???
NOTHING MATTERS to them but ME, and it’s been that way
Since I descended down from Heaven on MY Golden Stair
So why pretend MY “Trial” will in ANY way be “Fair”???

Letting DEMONcrats talk SLOWS MY damned SHAM “Trial” down!!!
Instead of DAYS it may take WEEKS before ACQUITTAL’s found!!!
It will be hard to BOAST I’m INNOCENT as I can be
At MY “State of the Union” speech where with SMIRKS I recite
BOASTS in front of “Congress” claiming EVERYTHING’S gone RIGHT!!!

The TurtleMan had better SHUT UP EVERY DEMONcrat!!!
There’s NOT MUCH TIME LEFT before MY “State of the Union” CRAP!!!
I want to waltz into that chamber as SMUG as can be
Because I’ve just been ACQUITTED!!! for the WHOLE WORLD to see!!!
The DEMONcrats are taking up WAY TOO MUCH precious Time!!!
They could DELAY MY BOASTING that like MY “Union” I’M FINE!!!

22 January 2020

Here’s why McConnell is scrambling to prevent Trump from facing a real trial in the Senate

Senate passes McConnell impeachment rules after nearly 13 hours of debate

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