Thursday, January 23, 2020

What’s Left?

To the RIGHT!!! RepubliSCAM TOADS are rarin’ to go!!!
While on what’s “left” the DEVIL-SPAWNED DEMONcrats also show
The starting gun has sounded and the “racers” “race” on past
But ONLY I ALONE WILL cross the Finish Line at last!!!

It’s SO FUTILE to try to “race” AGAINST THE CHOSEN ONE!!!
It’s just a way Dems DELAY MY Great WILL on Earth be done!!!
And once I’m RE-ELECTED!!! ALL “races” WILL cease to be
Just like the “Constitution” I’ll OUTLAW them TOTALLY!!!

With the “Constitution” GONE there’ll be NO NEED to “race”
NO DEMONcrat from what is “left” WILL a RIGHT!!! TOAD displace
Because I’ll also OUTLAW ALL “Elections” except MINE
And EVERY “Four” years after RE-ELECT!!! MYSELF EACH time!!!

Once RIGHT!!! TOADIES WIN MY SHAM “race” what’s “left” is “history”!!!
NO “Elections”!!!, NO “Constitution”!!!, NO “Democracy”!!!
Once I have crossed the Finish Line I’ll REIGN ALONE ON TOP!!!
What’s left of what’s left on the “left” WON’T be left to ME STOP!!!

23 January 2020

Washington Post issues a startling warning: Senate GOP is ‘laying the groundwork’ to sabotage democracy

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