Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Wholly War

I say that ALL IS WELL, OK??? So WELL it ALL MUST BE!!!
So What if a few missiles hit some dumb “facility”???
If that’s the best “Iran” can do then they are wholly SCREWED
I can hit them back HARDER using just MY ATTITUDE!!!
I WILL restrain “Iran” like I do “children” in a “cage”!!!

An ANGRY Tweet or two from ME, an ANGRY glance their way
And they WILL pack their missiles up, NO MORE they’ll shoot our way
Because they’re spineless MUSLIMS I can BEAT just like that!!!
And TRUE CHRISTIANS who support ME “know” that I DON’T TAKE CRAP!!!
OUR SIDE is wholly HOLIER than theirs as it can be
Because GOD HIMSELF has CHOSEN to be KING on Earth ME!!!

When it comes to CHOSEN ONES you DON’T have to look far!!!
Just look on any ANY GOLF!!! COURSE at who’s shooting UNDER par!!!
Or RALLYING!!! HIS CULT with snide remarks and innuendo
Until the HATE he generates gets raised to a crescendo!!!
The HOLY POWER I COMMAND “Iran” wholly CAN’T match
And from now until RE-ELECTION!!! I’ll send a whole BATCH!!!

As for the “sites” I said I’d BOMB to snuff their “culture” out
That option is STILL on the table if HATE Tweets en route
Are NOT enough to FORCE “Iran” to put missiles away
And ABJECTLY APOLOGIZE on knees to ME, OK???
It’s wholly NOT a War Crime” to pound “ruins” into the dust
To PROVE HOW TOUGH I AM I’ll wholly DO IT if I MUST!!!

So I HEREBY DECLARE yet once again that ALL IS WELL!!!
And if that changes “Iran’s” “culture” I WILL BLOW TO HELL!!!
To PROVE that I AM HOLIER than EVERY Rag-Head there
I WILL from “history” ERASE them wholly WITHOUT “care”!!!
MY Fine WHITE BASE CULT backs ME wholly and that is what “counts”
It WILL cast HOLY VOTES!!! for ME in wholly VAST AMOUNTS!!!

8 January 2020

Iran launches missiles at US military facilities in Iraq: US official

Trump insists 'All is well!' after Iran missile attack

Trump backs off threat to bomb Iran's cultural sites

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