Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Worthy Sacrifices

“Rag-Head Schnozzola” PISSED ME OFF SO MUCH I could not TAKE IT!!!
I had to PROVE that I was TOUGH!!! I could no longer FAKE IT!!!
So I BLEW UP his dumb “general” for the Whole World to see
What happens if you PISS ME OFF and DARE DISHONOR ME!!!
What happens next is hard to say but it’s looking like WAR!!!
Your sons and daughters may have to DIE to raise MY TOUGH “score”!!!

You should consider it an HONOR to march kids away
To FIGHT in WARS!!! that GUARANTEE MY “score” climbs MORE EACH DAY!!!
If they’re KILLED in the “Middle East” where bullets fall like rain
And Bombs blow up you can be PROUD their DEATHS were NOT in “vain”!!!
MUCH HIGHER than “Rag-Heads” who wear hats that look like a MOP!!! 

PROVING I’M TOUGH is MORE IMPORTANT than your children’s lives!!!
TOUGH is the MOST IMPORTANT rep a TRUMP!!! can realize!!!
It helps us forget we’re in things WAY WAY over our head
And it DOES NOT cost us a thing, we AREN’T those who get DEAD!!!
TRUMPS NEVER “serve” in “Shooting” WARS!!! NOT EVER that occurs!!!
WE have the MONEY!!! to ensure Docs “diagnose” BONE SPURS!!!

YOUR sons and daughters, by comparison, are different matters
If they enlisted it’s their DUTY to go where blood splatters
And by so going they help TRUMPS maintain our DIGNITY
By PROVING through their sacrifices how TOUGH TRUMPS can be!!!
So if ANOTHER WAR!!! in Mop-Top Rag-Head Land does come
Be PROUD when MY TOUGH “score” gets raised up by your fallen one!!!

7 January 2020

Trump sends more Marines to the Middle East

Pompeo again declines to present evidence of 'imminent' threat that led to strike against Iranian general

All the U.S. Military Hardware Headed to the Middle East

Iran threatens to hit US bases with medium- and long-range missiles

In Case Anyone Needs More Proof the Trump Administration Is in Over Its Head With Iran…

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