Thursday, January 9, 2020


MY GOLF!!! Courses are spread out far and wide across MY land!!!
To get from one Course to the next it takes a “travel” plan!!!
You CAN’T expect the “President”, to “walk” between his Courses!!!
To do so would take YEARS away from the Game he endorses!!!
And HOW MUCH it “costs” to schlep ME from one Course to the next
Is NOT ALL ABOUT ME ONLY, there’s also a “context”!!!

You see, I NEED a LOT of “people” traveling with ME
To hold MY clubs and clean MY balls and keep ME “company”
And listen to ME whine about the MEAN WAYS I get treated
And to reveal WAR!!! “secrets” to I’m sure WON’T be repeated!!!
To play GOLF!!! by MYSELF ALONE would REALLY NOT be neat!!!
I NEED “others” playing along or how else can I “cheat”???

MY “entourage” MUST travel with ME regardless of “cost”!!!
Without them stroking MY “ego” at EACH Course I’d be LOST!!!
And because there are SO MANY I NEED to schlep with ME
From Game to Game to Game to Game to Game to Game, you see,
It’s taking Munchkin LOTS of “time” to “calculate” MY “travel”!!!
It WILL take AFTER RE-ELECTION!!! before “costs” unravel!!!

9 January 2019

Trump Is Trying To Hide The Cost Of His Travel Until After The Election

Steven Mnuchin Refuses to Admit How Much the Secret Service Spends on Trump’s Golf Trips

Report: Mnuchin wants to delay disclosure of Trump's Secret Service travel costs until after the election

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