Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Greed’s Way

There is NO NEED to “think” about the “climate” when you BUILD!!!
Or the “impact” that you may have on animals you’ve killed
Where there is MONEY!!! to be made “nature” takes a back seat
That’s why I’ve STOPPED “environmental reviewing” toot sweet!!!
To GUARANTEE that BUILDING!!! stuff makes PROFITS!!! EVERY day
I’m making sure “climate” and “nature” DON’T get in GREED’s way!!!

The way of GREED is the way I have lived MY life to date
It has made ME as RICH!!! as HELL!!! (at least I so relate)
And it can make ALL MY RICH!!! “Friends” ALMOST as RICH!!! as I
As long as they’re NOT REQUIRED to answer questions why
Is the ONLY “consideration” that NEEDS to prevail!!!

To keep GREED flowing like random “thoughts” spewing from MY Brane
I HEREBY DECLARE “climate considerations” INSANE!!!
IGNORE ALL signs of “Mother Nature” when you’re BUILDING!!! stuff
And if she tries to FIGHT!!! back GROPE HER HARD and TREAT HER ROUGH!!!
MAN has the Great GREED-Granted RIGHT to limit his expenses
Of what he BUILDS to what he MAKES DESPITE ALL “consequences”!!!

7 January 2020

Trump to dismiss climate impacts in overhaul of environmental reviews: sources

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