Saturday, January 4, 2020

Encore Diversion

So What if I KILLED!!! some “general” in some place far away???
AS ALL KNOW I “know” MORE than ALL the “generals” ANY day!!!
And now I’ve shown the whole World that I AM NOT WEAK, I’M STRONG!!!
The World may get to see how a TOUGH!!! guy prods WAR!!! along!!!
Of Course I say I NEEDED to KILL!!! that guy to “STOP WAR!!!
But actually MY “hit’s” DIVERSION I need for ENCORE!!!

A shooting WAR!! is just the thing I NEED for RE-ELECTION!!!
It WILL DIVERT the “public” from IMPEACHMENT!!! and EJECTION!!!
I sensed that TurtleMan could NOT herd ALL MY TOADS MY way
And that I had to do SOMETHING to STOP IMPEACHMENT’s!!! sway
It was taking TOO MUCH of MY GOLF!!! time to FIGHT!!! Dem CRAP!!!
So with WAR!!! looming I’m wiping IMPEACHMENT!!! off the map!!!

The “headlines” are now ALL about that dumb “general” I KILLED
They predict WAR!!! or PRAISE MY STRENGTH!!!, but EITHER way they’ve filled
The “two” “goals” that I had when I blew that guy into pieces:
I have now achieved BOTH and things are going swimmingly!!!
If MY “hit” starts a WAR!!! I DON’T “care”!!!, it’s MY GUARANTEE!!!

4 January 2020

Qasem Soleimani: Strike was to 'stop war', says Trump

Analysis: Is there a risk of wider war between the U.S. and Iran? Here’s what could happen next.

Donald Trump’s assassination of Qassem Suleimani will come back to haunt him

Fox News Is Absolutely Loving This

Trump repeatedly claimed in 2011 and 2012 that Obama would start a war with Iran to win re-election

This is the bombshell Trump's team didn't want revealed

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