Thursday, January 10, 2019


Putting ALL the differences among Red ranks aside
The GOP is very, very, very unified
They’re TOTALLY as one when thinking about MY Great WALL
NOT ONE of them WlLL give an inch ‘though “Government” may fall
I say “too bad, so sad”, OK? But that’s how things MUST be
In MY fight against DEMONcrats the “Government” OWES ME.

Ignore ALL rumors that “cracks” are now spreading through Red ranks
ALL LOVE ME, and for the SHUTDOWN!!! MANY have expressed thanks
Like former “Presidents” who’ve said they wish they’d built MY WALL
MY status with Republicans stands MANY miles tall
There are NO “cracks”, there’s ONLY LOYALTY to MY Great PLAN
NOT ONE of them knows what it is but EACH ONE is a FAN.

Toad-Leader Turtleman assures ME THERE WILL BE NO VOTE
Until I’ve grasped ALL DEMONcrats securely by the throat
And choked out their “commitment” to the WALL BILLIONS they’ll pay
Or killed them dead (So what if I do? I would get away!)
UP MY WALL WILL GO once the goddamned DEMONcrats feel heat
It’s worth killing the “Goverment” to DEMONcrats DEFEAT.

So on the Schumer SHUTDOWN!!! goes until I get MY way
Ignore ALL FAKE NEWS “polls” that claim “blame” for ME grows each day
NOBODY “blames” ME for this SHUTDOWN!!!, that claim is absurd
ALL “blame” the DEMONcrats, OK? On that you have MY WORD
And AS ALL KNOW MY WORD is GOLD on which MANY have banked
There are NO “cracks”!!! We’re UNIFIED!!! MY “numbers” have NOT “tanked”!!!

10 January 2019

Trump: GOP is ‘totally unified’ on border strategy

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