Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Race Mongering

I came before MY country last night on Prime Time TV
The first time ever from MY office ANYONE saw ME
In charts and graphs and monotone grim MURDERS!!! I recited
To justify SHUTDOWN!!! and get MY fine White Base excited.

I DEMANDED Prime Time to get MY Great WALL message out
And swing the needle against ME the other way about
For ONLY I ALONE stand firm against doubt lingering
But ALL but Fox this morning claim I was “Fear-Mongering”!!!

“Fear-Mongering”, “Hate-Mongering”, ALL”Mongering” is GOOD
As long as it gets MY WALL BUILT, and IT WILL!!! (knock on wood)
Just like the WALLS rich people build to protect those they “love”
MY WALL WILL STOP brown MURDERS who would in our homes shove.

The DEMONcrats who got to speak right after I was done
Claimed EVERY FACT I “Fear-Mongered” was a LIE!!! EVERY ONE!!!
That is NOT TRUE!!! AS ALL KNOW ALL I say’s TRUE as can be
At least in MY TRUMPWORLD of alternate reality.

The TRUMPWORLD I live in WILL WIN, damned DEMONcrats despite
MY Great Prime Time Address WILL swing the needle to the RIGHT
I’m sure MY toady Senators WILL back ME ALL THE WAY

The WALL mnemonic I once used to think of IMMIGRATION!!!
Has become an obsession shutting down the whole damn nation
The “talisman” I said so often on the campaign trail
Has taken on life of its own, WITHOUT MY WALL I’ll “FAIL”!!!

So bring ME LOTS MORE “MURDER” FACTS to get MY WALL ball rolling
And I’ll STOP brown-skinned MURDERS!!! by Prime Time FEAR extolling
To help me build MY Great WALL fine WHITES I hereby implore
MY plea’s NOT JUST “Fear-Mongering”, it’s RACIST at its core.

9 January 2019

In His First Oval Office Speech, Trump Falsely Depicts Immigrants as Violent Criminals to Justify Shutdown

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