Thursday, January 10, 2019

Payment Options

I NEVER said that Mexico would “write a check”, OK?
I ONLY said that they would for MY Tremendous WALL “pay”
And “payment” can take MANY forms that cannot ALL be counted
So MY claim Mexico WILL “pay” depends on what’s accounted
I’d like it if they’d “write a check” but NEVER one expected
Unlike MY WALL that claim was “metaphorically” connected.

To make somebody “pay” by “check” is just one form “pay” takes
I much prefer more “direct” ways, like breaking both their legs
So Mexico WILL “pay” for MY WALL even if there’s pain
(To them, of course, NOT ME, I’ll NEVER accept “pay” claim blame)
They WILL “pay” one way or another, BELIEVE ME they WILL
That can “pay” ME directly or they can “pay” by Big Chill.

MY Great new anti-NAFTA “tariffs” may fill the “pay” pot
“They” say that’s NOT how “tariffs” “work” but I say it’s NOT NOT!
Or maybe, perhaps, I WILL WIN MY Tremendous WALL fight
By INVADING!!! their country and ANNEXING it outright
I said they’d “pay” but NEVER said by “check” they’d debt retire
Ways they can “pay” are MULTIPLE, thus PROVING I’m NO LIAR.

10 January 2018

Trump: ‘I Never Said’ Mexico or maybe Would Pay Directly For Wall

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