Sunday, January 20, 2019


NOBODY has done MORE than ME to make MY country Great
So what if now from sea to sea it has filled up with HATE?
MY whole life long I’ve HATED EVERYONE I’ve ever met
Except MY dear mentor Roy C. (and pal Vlad P, you bet!)
So if a “Congressman” screams out a racial slur or two
Or MAGA kids mock “indians” it does NOT make ME Blue.

In fact it makes ME VERY “Proud” MY “lesson” they’ve learned well
That ONLY I ALONE come first, “others” can GO TO HELL
Unlike the DEMONcrats who think “God” put us here to “serve”
The GOP with ME agree: hold NOTHING in reserve
Scream out your HATRID at those whose skin color is NON-WHITE
And MOCK ALL IMMIGRANTS!!! (So what if some took the first flight?)

MY country is MUCH Greater now that HATE’s firmly in charge
It’s NEVER been a better place to MOCK those you DISPARAGE
I have made it a MEGA MAGA MIX for ALL to see
How low you can go when you practice Un-Civility
Things NEVER WILL go back to “normal”, we’ll keep on descending
As “President” I’ve led the way down deep beyond ALL mending.

Trump supporter yells at Dem rep:"Go back to Puerto Rico!" It was a GOP Congressman.

Students in Trump hats mock Native American; school apologizes

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