Monday, January 21, 2019

Record Numbers

Tweet storms are “normal” for ME but yesterday’s hurricane
Of 40 tweets on day 30 of SHUTDOWN!!! was “insane”
(And I mean “insane” in a GOOD way, not one that is “bad”
I mean I set a NEW TWEET RECORD!!! and it makes ME “glad”!!!)

I’ve NEVER tweeted so much to appeal to MY fine Base
But there’s NOT much else to do due to this SHUTDOWN!!! “disgrace”
(I mean “disgrace” for DEMONcrats, of course, NEVER for ME
MY tweets BLAME THEM for having FULL “responsibility”.)

Which I’ve ACCOMPLISHED by MYSELF despite BAD “Governments”
(I don’t mean MINE, of course, it’s Great!!! At least the parts still RED
And to drain off the “blue wave” swamp I’ll keep tweeting from bed.)

I also tweeted about SPORTS after two hour’s break
“Excitement” about MEN WITH BALLS is a real snap to “fake”
(I mean to “fake” for ME because it’s ALWAYS been a snap
To “pretend” that I have “emotions” that I know are crap.)

Today I’ll set a NEW TWEET RECORD, it’s something to do
When you don’t “work” much anyway, to keep “feeling” too blue
(And by “blue” I DO NOT mean I’ve EVER “felt” DEMONcrat!!!
The whole point of MY tweet storms is to MOCK them ‘till they splat.)

So whatever “number” comes next after 40 today
Is how much I’ll tweet to defeat the things DEMONcrats say
(And by “defeat” I mean I’ll meet EACH FAKE NEWS LIE they tell
With tweets “increasing” in Great “number” as SHUTDOWN!!! days swell.)

21 January 2018

Trump tweets 40 times on Day 30 of shutdown

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