Tuesday, January 22, 2019


I went and “laid” (ha ha!) a “wreath”, OK?, and that was that
MY “tribute” to Martin L. King lasted two minutes flat
“They” MADE ME GO because last year the “optics” weren’t so good
I would again this year have gone and played golf if I could
But I am stuck in Washington as Schumer’s SHUTDOWN!!! lingers
And it’s SO COLD here I can’t feel MY golf club with MY fingers.

“They” told ME “Go, pretend you “care”, show up, lay (ha!) a “wreath”
And say these words we’ve “written” down to avoid last year’s grief”
I MUCH prefer watching MY Foxy Friends from MY warm bed
But I put on a heavy coat and went out there instead
And recited “their” words (NOT MINE) and “laid” (ha!) that “wreath” thing
To pretend I care about “civil rights” and M.L. King.

The ONLY thing “black” that I care about are those “black” votes
From Uncle Toms who give FOX NEWS “proofs” with their random quotes
About how much I care about the “plight” “black” “people” face
And there aren’t enough of those GOOD “blacks” to take up much space
Behind ME at MY Rallies you’ll see VERY VERY few
Holding up signs proclaiming I’M FOR TRUMP!!! (so why aren’t you?)

I walk a fine line between those few “blacks” who vote for ME
And MY fine WHITE Base who think ALL “blacks” belong up a tree
I need ALL the votes I can get as this SHUTDOWN!!! drags on
And MY poll “numbers”  EVERY day are going, going, gone
But why “lose” WHITE votes to WIN “black” votes? To ME that’s NOT clear
And NOT worth getting SO DAMNED COLD!!! I WILL play golf next year!

22 January 2018

Trump marks MLK day with memorial visit

Trump Makes Surprise Visit To MLK Memorial, Leaves After About 2 Minutes


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