Thursday, January 17, 2019

Tit For Tat

She thought that she could threaten ME but I have ended that
I’ve slammed Pelousy WAY DOWN through Tremendous tit for tat
So what if I get “disinvited” from “her” Hill venue?
I’ve proven who is BOSS by using MY planes to her screw

MY “military” MUST OBEY despite this SHUTDOWN!!! slump
So I told them to ground ALL planes upon which she would jump
If she wants to fly she can pay, I WILL NOT spend a dime
I never fly “commercially” but for her kind it’s fine.

I hope her flight’s delayed for hours before it takes off
And then it hits Great turbulence once it’s finally aloft
And there aren’t enough of those little “bags” they give away
(It makes ME “glad” to think about her throwing up, OK?)

Somewhere over the “Atlantic” I hope her plane gets lost
Which further delays her arrival while increasing cost
Because when she gets on the ground and finally can “de-plane”
She’ll have to pay for dry-cleaning (and those costs are insane!)

And because she’ll be so delayed she won’t get back in time
To come here to “negotiate” and WILL have to “decline”
And then I’ll charge her with “contempt” for ALL those without pay
Who LIKE ME STAYED HOME sad and lonely while she FLEW AWAY.

I AM SO SMART!!! She is SO STUPID!!! That’s PROVEN now, right?
And ALL I had to do was find somebody who could “write”
To “write” a “letter” mocking her “letter” she “wrote” to ME
Forbidding her to use MY plane to fly far off for free.

17 January 2018

Trump cancels Pelosi trip: President writes letter postponing speaker's overseas trip - CBS News

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