Friday, January 18, 2019

Never None Not

Ghouliani NEVER said COLLUSION!!! was by ME!!
Maybe someone else did it but I’m clean as clean can be
So what if there were hundreds of phonecalls to Moscow town?
EVERY ONE of them was made when I was NOT around!!!
And if Trump Tower “servers” with Russian “communicated”
I was completely unaware (that CANNOT be debated!)

A “campaign” is a VERY “complex” set of parts that move
They swirled around ME but MY movements none can EVER prove
A few “bad apples” may have been “hired” along the way
But AS ALL KNOW MY diet NEVER includes fruit, OK?
So if there WAS NO NO COLLUSION!!! during MY Great “run”
It was NOT NEVER EVER “committed” by TRUMP (or son).

But how come EVERY time that Rudi talks things go “awry”?
First there was NO COLLUSION!!! PERIOD!!! THAT’S IT!!! GOODBYE!!!
Then IF THERE WAS it happened a VERY LONG TIME ago
And none of it was COLLUSION!!! anyway, AS ALL KNOW!!!
And now he says he NEVER said there was NEVER NONE NOT
(I’ll have to call MY BFF, it’s past time he was shot).

Rudi is MY “lawyer” but things with him have grown strained
Each time that he gets “interviewed” I get a bit more stained
I am forced to defend MYSELF, which I thought was HIS “job”
Back in New York he and Cohen were Great links to the mob
But Cohen has turned TRAITOR and Rudi has turned out CLOWN
Someone get ME Vlad on the phone, I need them BOTH put down!

As usual it’s up to ME to untangle the messes
That Rudi makes through interviews and Mike when he “confesses”
I thought that screaming NO COLLUSION!!! once or twice a day
Would put all this COLLUSION!!! crap behind ME safe away
But Rudi keeps refreshing it and Mike’s now spilled his guts
Apparently Chris Christie’s RIGHT, I’m surrounded by NUTS!!!

18 January 2019

Giuliani says Trump didn’t collude, but people on his campaign might have

Rudy Giuliani says Trump didn't collude with Russia but can't say if campaign aides did

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