Thursday, January 17, 2019


Pelousy thinks she can tell ME I can’t “address” MY nation!!!
She says that she may NOT send ME a “formal invitation”!!!
She says “safety” is her “concern” and that I should “postpone”!!!
She even said that I maybe should “write” or use a phone!!!
The NERVE of that DEMONcrat brat, who does she think she is???
I ALONE say where MY “State of MY Union” I’ll give.

NO “writing” or phonecalls convey the “optics” I DEMAND
As “President” I ALONE get to say where I WILL stand
I WILL recite MY Great Accomplishments and ALL WILL thrill
And bathe in MASS applause from ALL assembled on MY Hill
The cheering WILL BE THUNDEROUS without one break or gap
And like ALL other “love” I’ve know I’ll get Tremendous clap!

I do NOT care if the “law” says that it’s Pelousy’s “right”
To to MY “State of MY Union address” she ME “invite”
I need NO “invitation” to “address” MY “Government”
I WILL on LIVE REALITY TV MY anger vent!!!
The date and time and place I choose to “address” I’ll select
And ANY “invitation” that bitch sends ME I’ll REJECT!!!

17 January 2018

GOP dismiss suggestion that State of Union be postponed

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