Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Secret Affairs

Why do I meet with Vlad in secret? Well, what can I say???
The REAL reason would DEFINITIVELY NOT make Pence’s day
I keep on shouting “NO COLLUSION!!!” to FAKE NEWS disrupt
Because for ME it is ideal, the PERFECT cover-up
If “truth” about our meetings got out there’d be Hell to pay!!!
(But maybe NOT...who would believe we’re LOVERS anyway?)

When Vlad and I meet in secret there’s SO MUCH to discover!!!
We find it hard to keep our little hands off of each other
The world thinks that in those meetings Vlad tells ME what to do
Sometimes he does, and sometimes I get to take the lead too
Holier-than-thou evangelicals would be appalled
At things we tell each other to do when our turn is called.

I WILL keep meeting Vlad in secret, I CAN’T keep away
From that dreamy ex-KGB I LOVE more EVERY day
With “NO COLLUSION!!!” I’ll distract the world from our affairs
I don’t mind being called a “traitor” as long as Vlad cares
And why shouldn’t I do ALL of the things he tells ME to???
When you’re in LOVE your country’s just the second thing you screw.

30 January 2019

Trump's repeated private meetings with Putin raise questions

Trump met Putin without staff or note takers present — again

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