Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Pen Ban

I NEVER “write” stuff  because “writing” ALL KNOW causes grief
That’s why I NEVER “learned” to “write” (which gives ME Great relief!)
Because when you “write” there’s a “written record” ALL can see
That reveals what you “plan” to do for ALL ETERNITY
Because I DON’T “read”, “write”, or “plan” NO “paper trail” I leave
But Nuke-‘em Bolton does all three and his “words” now ME peave.

FAKE NEWS is jumping all over some words Nuke-‘em “wrote” down
About sending “5000 troops” some place way out of town
To fight in sunny South America his “words” reveal
While I stay back here fighting DEMONcrats who WILL NOT DEAL!!!
Once again I’m forced to DENY “words” when they appear
Or claim they DO NOT mean what they mean even though they’re clear.

It should be NO BIG DEAL to send MY troops (WHO I COMMAND!!!)
To go fight wars to protect oil in some sh*thole land
But now that Nuke-‘em’s “words” revealed MY next foreign foray
It’s harder to DENY troops “movements” I’m sending away
To ensure I won’t EVER have to DENY “words” again

29 January 2018

White House not tamping down tensions after Bolton seen holding notepad with words '5000 troops to Colombia'

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