Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Gut Genius

I NEVER use “intelligence” to form MY “strategy”
I know MUCH MORE than ANYONE who tries to “advise” ME
When you are a Gut Genius your Gut is ALL you need
Why bother with “written assessments” from those who can “read” ???
MY Friends on FOX keep ME “informed” about how Great I’m doing
“Intelligence Community” MY ass, they DESERVE screwing.

What those dumb jerks said yesterday I’ll TOTALLY IGNORE
The broad was NOT worth listening to, the “men” were a bore
ALL dared to “contradict” ME so those stupidheads I’ll MOCK
Before they “speak” again I say in EACH mouth stuff a sock!!!
NOBODY needs to “listen” to such Gut-uninformed CRAP
I KNOW I KNOW MUCH MORE than they “know”!!! Lights out, that’s a wrap!!!

If ANY of them EVER dare “contradict” ME again
I’ll kick their ass out of the door so fast their head WILL spin
BELIEVE ME, I KNOW SO MUCH MORE than ANY of those fools
I don’t care what “schools” they went to, MY BIG GUT ALONE rules!!!
I’ll keep on MOCKING them with Gut-wrenching tweet-storm attacks
While MY Gut “plans” new “strategies” based on FOX and Big Macs.

30 January 2019

Trump doesn’t just disagree with US intel leaders, he also mocks them

Trump Tells His Intelligence Services to ‘Go Back to School’ After Iran Report

Trump calls his own Intel chiefs 'extremely passive and naive'

U.S. Intelligence Chiefs Are Sounding the Alarm About the Administration* They Work For

Top Republicans pushing back on Trump's national security moves

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