Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Prime Time Lyin’

I can’t wait to get back on TV in a Prime Time slot!
To sell MY Great Wall to the masses it is worth a shot
I have DEMANDED TV time and they gave it to ME
So I can repeat the same FACTS touted by Suckabee
But unlike her it’s ME this time the “public” will behold
And AS ALL KNOW FACTS from MY mouth are worth MUCH MORE than gold.

I’ll begin “Presidentially” but things WILL soon degrade
With screaming about TERRORISTS!!!, CRISIS!!!, DEATH!!!, and INVADE!!!
Things ONLY I ALONE can fix by building MY Great WALL
Which DEMONcrats are BLOCKING, so I’ll DEMAND their DOWNFALL
The time is WAY PAST DUE for ONE PARTY to RULE MY land
Therefore I’ll hereby this past “elected Congress” DISBAND.

I’LL then CROWN MYSELF KING for LIFE on national TV
ALL watching WILL behold their SUPREME RULER’S MAJESTY
IN Golden Crown and Ermine Robe I’ll DEMAND MY WHOLE NATION
If I DON’T get MY Great WALL up without further delay
But once I’ve OUTLAWED DEMONcrats ALL things WILL be OK!!!

And since I FIRED MY “advisors” NO ONE dares tell ME
To “tone things down a little bit” on National TV
I’ll say and do just what I want, I WILL NOT “compromise”
TV is a Tremendous way to MYSELF advertise
It WILL be Great to be on TV where I used to dwell
I hope I can still broadcast from MY comfy padded cell.

8 January 2018

Trump to take his case to build wall to prime-time audience

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