Friday, January 11, 2019

Emergency Diversion

I have to get MY Great WALL built, it’s the LEAST I can do
To stop MASS HOARDS!!! of IMMIGRANTS!!! who bring DEATH!!! pouring through
But because “Congress” won’t give ME the BILLIONS it will take
I’ll take MY MONEY from those who refuse to forests rake
And from those Pour-Toe-Reek-Cans who are NOT Amerikan
Diverting funds from “climate change” HOAX “victims” is MY plan.

To take needed funds away from a past “emergency”
I have the POWER to declare a REAL one made by ME
The “law” is on MY side to do this 100%
So ALL MY “lawyers” have told ME (they know who pays their rent)
And I will soon have 40 “lawyers” working on TRUMP pay
To HOAX victims’ “relief”  MONEY divert from them away.

But since they WILL NOT getting MY WALL MONEY’s up to ME
And “natural disaster victims” won’t put up much fight
Diverting their MONEY MY “lawyers” “advise” ME is RIGHT
I’ll leave a few “relief” bucks behind to buy some new rakes
But take ALL from those Pour-Toe-Reek-Can “Amerikan” FAKES.

The time to declare MY NATIONAL EMERGENCY!!! has come
I WON’T attend more worthless meetings with DEMONcrat scum
I am a MAN OF ACTION and the ACTION I’ll next take
Is to declare MY WALL an EMERGENCY that’s NOT FAKE
Screw “climate change HOAX victims”, it’s THEIR MONEY I’m now after
MY WALL EMERGENCY TRUMPS so-called “natural” disaster.

11 January 2019

Border wall funds could be diverted from a pool meant for Puerto Rico, Texas and other areas hit by disasters

Trump says 'the law is 100% on my side' for national emergency

Puerto Rico governor rips report of Trump redirecting disaster aid funding for border wall

GOP lawmakers sure disaster funds will not be used for wall

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