Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Great Shutdown Game

It’s MY Game!!! There was NO CONCESSION!!! NOT ONE “blink”!!! NO “cave”!!!
The DEMONcrats CANNOT “WIN”, ONLY I “paychecks” can save!!!
It is up to ME to end SHUTDOWN!!! DEMONcrats WILL NOT
They DO NOT “care” about poor “workers” while I “care” A LOT
They “said” they “cared” but NEVER ONCE played to “negotiate”
So it is up to ME YOUR HOST to make your pay less late.

I’ve told the DEMONcrats In THREE WEEKS they MUST MAKE A DEAL!!!
To get “negotiations” going or again they’ll squeal
To get MY GREAT WALL BUILT!!! play THREE WEEKS or I’ll pull the plug!!!
“Workers” can again stand in “food lines” to fill their mug
Or get a “Wilbur loan” that 9% LOW “interest” earns
They’ll be PLENTY of ways to “adapt” when MY Game returns.

As Host I’ll start things up again and may play on for YEARS
If I select SHUTDOWN!!! Door ONE ignoring “polling” fears
Or if Door Number TWO I choose we also years may see
While I play for MY RIGHT to declare GRAVE EMERGENCY!!!
Who cares how MANY years MY Game’s renewed, its Door MUST fit

The DEMONcrats have THREE SHORT WEEKS to return to MY Table
Where I have NEVER “caved” or “blinked” (ALL you’ve heard’s FAKE NEWS FABLE!!!)
With “empathy” for “furloughed” “workers” MY Game’s sole concern
I’m allowing a Game Break before DEMS next “workers” spurn
If DEMS WON’T MAKE A DEAL!!! “contestants” have just 15 days
To “adapt” quick! because MY next SHUTDOWN!!! Round WILL AMAZE!!!

27 January 2018

White House dangles threat of another shutdown over wall

D.C. insiders think Trump is serious about declaring a national emergency to get his wall money

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