Monday, January 28, 2019

Game Plan

Fox “News” should be ASHAMED it gave ME such BAD “coverage”
MY Great WALL SHUTDOWN!!! (NOT A “CAVE”!!!) deserved their sufferage
I fought off those damned DEMONcrats to move MY WALL ahead
And Fox “reporters” acted like I laid down and played dead
MY actions were SO SMART they are too dumb to understand
MY so-called “cave concession” went EXACTLY like I “planned”.

To DESTROY DEMONcrats I first pretended they ME “beat”
And looked “deflated” when I spoke to convey MY “defeat”
This gave them a “false sense of security” that they “won”
That’s how I’ll WIN! by first acting like I am down and glum
I’ve let them “off the hook” THREE WEEKS while plotting MY next moves
Then ALL HELL WILL break lose when CHAOS once again ensues!!!

DEMONcrats won’t know what hits them once those THREE WEEKS pass
They’ll still be “celebrating” when I kick them in the ass
Because I’ve ALSO gained THREE WEEKS to “think up” something “planned”
And because I’m a Stable Genius it WILL be GRAND
As always it WILL come to ME without “thinking” at ALL
There’ll be NO NEED to use MY “brane” to make DEMONcrats FALL!!!

I’ll watch Fox “News” (except those jerk “reporters” I DESPISE)
And revel in MY Great Poll Numbers climbing to the skies
Among so-called “Hispanics” who approve ALL things I do
(Except those “Pour-Toe-Reek-Cans” I WILL continue to screw)
And in just THREE WEEKS (maybe LESS) SOME “plan” WILL come to ME
Then “it’s off to the races” with renewed SHUTDOWN!!! decree!!!

28 January 2018

Trump rips into Fox News over shutdown, border wall coverage

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