Saturday, January 26, 2019

Cave Man

Why did I “cave”? Why did I “blink”? Why did I so “betray”
My Great WALL promise I’ve made 20 times or MORE a day?
It was NOT because “people” “suffered”, I’ve NO empathy
I could care less about lack of pay and food given free.

I ONLY COLLECT “rents”, I’ve NEVER once had to one “pay”
If I see someone “suffering” I turn and walk away
So even though I spoke A LOT about “workers so brave”
800,000 LOSERS weren’t why I’m in MY MAN “Cave”.

There were TWO reasons ONLY why I’ve now “capitulated”
And spoken in the Rose Garden like a balloon deflated
MY staff and cabinet were standing somewhere on the scene
But cameras did NOT show their faces sad, angry, and mean.

I was the focus of MY “address”, NOT the one I craved
Prime TV time they took from ME was ONE reason I “caved”
Reason number TWO was RATINGS falling like a knife
I care MORE about Great RATINGS than ANYTHING in “life”.

ALL “polls” that “measure” MY “approval” had sunken SO low
A week MORE and they would have had NO lower place to go
Combined with lack of Hill “venue” I was left with NO choice
But “caving” while the DEMONcrats with joy did loud rejoice.

It took MY staff a while to “convince” ME “cave” time was nigh
I was prepared to keep the SHUTDOWN!!! going YEARS is why
“Numbers” do NOT “lie” and while I DON’T “understand” them
“They” “convinced” ME MY “poll numbers” weren’t shining like a gem.

So I put on a heavy coat and went out in the cold
And pretended I was “elated” with “cave” talk I sold
Of course I also made a THREAT because that’s what I do
But ALL could tell from MY voice I was feeling VERY blue.

And the “fact” I’d been “beaten” by a “WOMAN”, no less!!!
That REALLY brought ME down!!! The whole SHUTDOWN!!! was such a MESS!!!
I did NOT get one Pelousy DIME, that skirt WON it ALL!!!
There’s NEVER been a WORSE “loss” for a MAN I can recall.

I’ll need a day or two to lick MY wounds in MY MAN “cave”
But I’ll come roaring out again with tweet-storms that ENRAGE
MY ANGER WILL return 10-fold, “people” WILL cringe in FEAR
When from MY MAN “cave” I emerge and suddenly appear.

I WILL be re-inflated like a Big Orange Balloon
Ready once again to make DEMONcrats play MY tune
Prepared to MY SHUTDOWN!!! next time Tremendously enlarge.

26 January 2019

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