Wednesday, January 23, 2019

FishIng Policy

Let’s hear it for Steve Nazi Miller’s Great “kid fishing” work!!!
There’s NOT an IMMIGRANT!!! on Earth he would NOT around jerk
Fish “policy” is fine by ME to TERRORISTS!!! depose
By using little “kids” as bait to their “sponsors” expose
MY ICE Goons are now in cahoots with “child” agencies
That “helped” “children” but now use them as bait ALL thanks to Steve.

His Vision of Amerika’s Fine Pure WHITE future RULES
I don’t know where he came by it but doubt it was in “shuls”
It’s hard to believe he was taught under some “rabbi’s” hand
He’s now MY Greatest EVER Neo-Nazi fisherman!
Somebody pissed him off back in some “synagogue”, I bet
Thank “god” for that ‘cause he’s the BEST HATE BAITER I could get!

The “speeches” that he “writes” for ME are EACH a Work of Art
There NEVER have been better “words” to tear “families” apart
Some so-called “laws” still hold ME back but not much longer now
I’m knocking “laws” down so MORE bait “kids” I can under plow
MY Border ICE Goons WILL soon catch ALL brown fish in the sea
Thanks to Nazi Steve’s “words” that guide MY fishing policy.

23 January 2019

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