Thursday, January 24, 2019


I had a “clever” letter written for MY Hill talk’s sake
And lousy Pelousy told ME to go jump in a lake!!!
She called MY Bully Bluff and it has REALLY made ME sore
Backing down in public’s something I’ve NOT done before
I folded like a piece of paper but I’ll get her back
When I finally deliver MY “address” I’ll her ATTACK!!!

MY “clever” letter said I WOULD speak on MY Hill all right
Despite her so-called “power” to MY presence “disinvite”
MY threats have ALWAYS worked before AS ALL KNOW, BELIEVE ME
Just look at how MY “Mob” tactics stopped Mike’s testimony
But after only one weak-assed tweet and claim I was looking
For a MUCH better “venue” I said I’d delay the booking.

The “truth” is that the Hill ALONE’s the ONLY place to be
To get the Most Tremendous RATINGS on Prime Time TV
The talk I gave in MY dumb “Oval Office” was a flop
It did NOT turn around “approval” RATINGS that still drop
And why the Hell go all the way to “Michigan” to speak?
Getting that state’s foul taste out of MY mouth takes a week.

For now I WILL stay angry MY “address” is on delay
And plot revenge against that bitch MY Bully Bluff can’t sway
If she had been a he he would have been intimidated
MY Bully Bluff would have got ME on MY Hill situated
But I WILL speak there on TV, who cares how long it takes?
The SHUTDOWN!!! sucks but Prime Time RATINGS ALL the difference makes.

24 January 2019

“Trump bluffed hard on his State of the Union, and Pelosi called it

Trump says he won't give State of the Union during shutdown after being disinvited by Pelosi

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