Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Humanitarian Relief

“Humanitarian Relief” is what I’m ALL about
That’s why I want to BUILD MY WALL!!! To keep sub-“humans” OUT
And thus prevent MORE brown so-called “children” from getting IN
To relieve the strain on MY “camp” resources growing thin
It costs A LOT to lock up “kids” and throw away the key
So stopping MORE from getting IN relieves “Humanity”.

“Humanity” means WHITE to ME and to MY fine WHITE Base
They ALL deserve what I DEMAND: Relief from non-WHITE “race”
Relief from those who’s race to MY borders is on increase
Where ONLY MY Great WALL ALONE can make INVASION!!! cease
And I want relief from the cost of keeping “children” caged
The cost of keeping them locked up and fed has ME enraged.

Humanity LOYAL to ME wants ALL TERRORISTS!!! dead
‘Though I agree MY WALL is what I’ve sold to them instead
Because even I “understand” how “optics” would appear
If I took out those locked up “kids” to relieve WHITE Base FEAR
That’s why I CAN’T budge on MY WALL, the SHUTDOWN!!! MUST go on
‘Till its erection proud and tall lends credence to MY con.

It WILL be such a Great relief when MY WALL funds come through
The Schumer SHUTDOWN!!! MUST continue!!! What else can I do???
I’m in for WAY MORE than a pound on MY whole Great WALL scam
Getting it up WILL prove to ME that I’m a MANLY MAN!!!
“Humanitarian Relief” is therefore what I’m selling
To relieve WHITE humanity from with sub-“humans” dwelling.

23 January 2018

President Trump spins asylum restrictions as humanitarian relief

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