Friday, January 25, 2019

Fellow Travellers

Get on board with ME, THE DONALD, or get left behind!!!
The Great TRUMP TRAIN is ready again to steam down the line
Full speed ahead to 2020!!! Get on board and pray
MY cow-catcher will clear the tracks of ALL “cows” in MY way
Come sit with fellow travelers on the extreme far right.

MY message is distinct to ALL who’d ride along with ME
Aboard the Greatest run-away Train in ALL history
DO NOT think about sitting anywhere upon the left
Or you’ll be from your wife and father-in-law soon bereft
There is NO room aboard for ANY who would CHALLENGE ME
MY Train may tilt to the far right but it’s SAFE as can be.

To stabilize MY Train I’ve loaded LOTS of “kids” in cages
To distribute weight on the left before our gear engages
Those caged “kids” are ALL skinny but if we do some “cows” hit
They’ll provide SOME protection to those who on the right sit
“Cows” ALWAYS attack from the left so caged ‘kids’ in the way
Will buffer our right-seated butts and we’ll ride on OK.

I know that “kids” in cages do NOT well on FAKE NEWS sit
But SOMETHING has to protect right seat butts from left “cow” hit
And “kids” are better than “admitting” things we do are “wrong”
Once our Train 2020 WINS we won’t give a ding-dong
But until then load those “kids” up, MY Train their “balance” needs
Ignore ALL “cows” on tracks ahead and plow through at Great speeds.

This “Poem” has got a bit confused with “kids” and “cows” that mix
But, Hey! I’m NOT a “Poet”! I’m in BUSINESS!!! Deals I fix!!!
And MY Deal if you want to ride MY Train along with ME
Is HATING “kids” and “cows” alike to prove your LOYALTY
ALL on the right MUST put ME above any ‘kid” concern
Or when “cows” hit I guarantee your left-seat butts I’ll burn.

25 January 2019

GOP sends 'distinct message' to possible challengers: Get on board with Trump in 2020

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