Thursday, January 24, 2019


I don’t get why MY “cabinet” is “controversial”
They are the BEST PEOPLE despite their frequent reversal
They come, they go, OK, but ALL those left are BILLIONAIRES!!!
Who cares if what they say “indicates” they are “unawares”?
Wilbur Gross can’t understand why people have to “eat”
Niether can I, eating three Big Macs daily is NO feat!

They say Wilbur’s “insensitive”, but he thinks just like ME
Getting a Great loan is a snap, it is VERY EASY!!!
I say I can “relate” but really do NOT give a damn
About ALL LOSERS who do not buy into MY WALL scam
Wilbur and I may be “out of touch”....who cares, OK?
If you are NOT a BILLIONARE “adjust” ‘till you get pay!!!

Wilbur, Betsy, Munchkin and ALL other BILLIONAIRES
In MY “Cabinet” ALL KNOW PROFIT, we’re NOT “unawares”!!!
Maybe we’ve NEVER had to “buy” so-called  “groceries”, but Hey!
If LOSERS cannot afford bread they can eat CAKE, OK?
I WILL sell them the Greatest Chocolate Cake they EVER ate
And Wilbur WILL give them a loan their “hunger” to abate.

24 January 2019

What Wilbur Ross and the Trump team’s tone-deaf shutdown comments really say

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