Saturday, January 12, 2019

Low Enough

I’m sure if I just dig a little deeper I’ll get out
Of this deep hole I’ve dug MYSELF into that’s ALL about
Somewhere up there above MY head the sun is shining bright
It looks from here like a pinhole piercing a cloak of night
I guess I’ve dug down pretty deep but what else can I do?
I’ll keep on digging until out of China I come through.

My Great mentor Roy Cohn taught ME TO NEVER ONCE GIVE IN
To double down and double down and double down again
No matter what the so-called “consequences” to STAND FIRM
And as the hole you’re in gets deeper dig more room to squirm
As I dig deeper EVERY day MY squirming WILL increase
But I’ll keep digging down until WALL FUNDS the Dems release.

Each day that I dig deeper down WILL strengthen MY ATTACK
With weeks or months or years of digging DEMONcrats WILL CRACK
The 5.7 BILLION they then dump down MY deep hole
Will give ME what I need to end this digging like a mole
I’ll climb up out of this dark brown hole back to White sunlight
Blessed by MY Base for going low enough to WIN MY fight.

12 January 2019

Why Hasn’t Trump Folded?

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