Saturday, March 2, 2019


I’ve been “MISREPRESENTED” by FAKE NEWS “sources” again!!!
What I “said” yesterday I NOW say “FAKE NEWS” hacks did BEND!!!
I NEVER “said” that I “believed” what Rocket Man “told” ME
The “words” you say you think I “said” are NOT “accurate”, see???
OF COURSE Korea is “responsible” WarmBeer is DEAD
But DON’T BELIEVE “words” on FAKE TAPES “recording” what I “said”.

ALL KNOW I truly “love” that kid and “think” about him often
(Especially now that I’ve hammered nails into MY coffin!)
I was just trying to keep Rocket Man on MY good side
But “reaction” to “words” I DID NOT “SAY” I CAN’T abide!!!
Even toadie REPUBLICANS are speaking AGAINST ME!!!
So I’m COMPELLED yet once again to DENY things ALL see.

Pay NO ATTENTION to ANYTHING “recorded” on tape!!!
“Tapes” got “Nixon” REAL messed up!!! “MINE” are COMPLETELY FAKE!!!
MY hope is that ALL those who “heard” ME “speak” are dumb as bricks
Including WarmBeer’s “parents” so I can with them things fix
I still WILL NOT admit I “know” that Rocket Man “knew” too
But Hey!!! He is a DICTATOR!!! Torture’s just stuff we do.

2 March 2019

Trump again sides with a dictator, says he believes Kim didn't know about Warmbier

Trump's Otto Warmbier comments mark a shameful day for America

Otto Warmbier's parents angrily respond after Donald Trump sides with 'evil' North Korean dictator

Trump Tortures Otto Warmbier's Family All Over Again

GOP senators fuming over Trump comments on Warmbier

Furious Ben Shapiro Calls Trump Statement on Kim Jong Un ‘F***ing Pathetic’

Trump Claims He Was Totally “Misinterpreted” When He Said Kim Wasn’t Responsible for Otto Warmbier’s Death

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