Wednesday, September 18, 2024

All About You

When everything’s All About You you simply can’t recall
Anything that hasn’t been All About You at all
Because you can’t imagine any news at you they fling
Do rather than All About You of somebody else sing
Such All About You belief’s bound to ultimately claim
Something so egotistical it proves you've gone insane.

The ultimate All About You claim your ego will claim
Will ultimate self-centered belief beyond doubt proclaim
Everyone who hears or reads about it will conclude
More than one solitary worm in your brain did intrude
An extensive worm family therein must munch away
Because to explain your insane claim there’s no other way.

This brings us to the insane claim Trump made the other day
In an interview where his old tired claims gave way
To a new insane claim his pig lips to attendees uttered
That egotistically exceeded all others they’ve sputtered
Which encapsulated All About You so complete
None of his prior All About You claims with it compete.

Trump’s claim that has exceeded every other brought aboard
Is that China created COVID because Chinks deplored
His Presidency and thus many millions died due to
A clear example of how everything’s All About You
Because All About You’s what to Trump is and always has been
Including worldwide pandemics (thanks to him not more grim).

Of all egos that ever strutted on history’s stage
With no more inflated one will history engage
Than that propelling Trump’s All About You to such extremes
Even ego’s like Genghis Khan’s had no greater means
To see themselves in a more self-centered position to
Everything that’s happening than Trump’s All About You.

18 September 2024

Trump pushes theory that “China created COVID virus because they didn’t like his presidency’.

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