Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The New Normal

If you have not yet bought a gun I have good news for you:
Another Trump-appointed judge for your gun rights came through!
In Kansas where possessing guns defines one’s sense of fun
Trump’s federal judge ruled we can all now own a machine gun!
No longer will unmanly weak woke liberal laws apply
Machine guns are now legal weapons patriots can buy!

Trump’s toady judge declared that everyone now has the right
To be prepared for when they next get into a gun fight
By buying machine guns just like the military uses
And thereby put an end to second amendment abuses
A machine gun in every private arsenal will be
The new normal for half the country thanks to his decree.

The rest of the world watching as our country grows insane
Is wondering if half of us grow worms inside our brain
How else to explain gun worship that clearly has become
The true religion practiced by all MAGAs everyone
Of whom will soon be lining up to legally obtain
Machine guns because they need not from them to now refrain.

28 August 2024

The Right’s Dystopian Vision For America: Machine Guns For All.

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