Saturday, August 24, 2024

Just Sad

It’s really sad that the son of a good man has become
An anti-vaxxer lunatic thanks to drug use when young
So desperate for position he is willing to endorse
A wannabe dictator which could set back the whole course
Of progress away from mean-spirited MAGA’s campaign
To flush what’s left of our democracy down history’s drain.

RFK Jr is nothing like his father was
Instead of a legend he’s a shifty suck-up scuz
Who tried to cut a deal with Trump and when that didn’t work
Tried the same with Kamala because he’s such a jerk
And now that Trump’s so desperate switched back to MAGA to
Get a cabinet job he feels he’s entitled to.

Those of us old enough to remember Bobby K
Observe his son and wonder how things ever got that way
In the family bloodline that once made things go so well
Before assassinations turned Camelot into Hell
And ended the promise RFK Jr’s dad had
And left behind a son whose Trump endorsement is just sad.

24 August 2024

With Trump Endorsement, RFK Jr is Officially a Loser and Completely Full of Shit.

Trump Announces Renewed Plan to Release JFK Assassination Files.

RFK Jr. Gaslights America.

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