Sunday, August 25, 2024

Rout Them Out

It will take much more than a thin win this next time around
To bury Trump and his MAGA toads six feet under ground
To sweep him and them into the dustbin of history
The largest landslide rout ever recorded there must be
Because given recent events after Biden dropped out
Trump and MAGA will challenge all loss, even total rout.

Although their loss may be a total rout we still may see
A second deadly coup attempt because legality
Didn’t alter the results for them last time they lost
So why again try to get vote results legally tossed?
Instead they may try invading the Hill this time with guns
Despite loss against them in overwhelming landslide sums.

So even if their loss is larger than Goldwater’s was
With every state voting against them still some desperate scuz
May try to win through coup V.2 ‘though harder that would be
For them to deny and defend once we the people see
Votes in landslide numbers than were ever seen before
That prepare our nation better for their coup encore.

25 August 2024

There Is Only One Good Scenario Left - Trump Must Be Routed.

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