Friday, August 23, 2024


Mike Lindell’s chopped foam company his lunacy dispatched
Because his politics did most of its customers snatch
Away because they were so sick and tried of the tricks
He kept trying to pull off to Trump’s lost election fix
By claiming there was cheating by rigged voting machines he
Would prove by showing evidence he promised we’d soon see.

With his company destroyed and evidence not found
No matter his insistence he to find it would be bound
Mike found he had time on his hands and so decided he
Would investigate unisex bathrooms secretly
And so he shaved his mustache off and wore shades and a hat
To sneak into the DNC to find who in loos sat.

The party once Republican that MAGA kooks have captured
Is so obsessed with ensuring all bathrooms remain fractured
Into separate segregated places that don’t merge
Into one single place to go when someone gets the urge
That Mike shaved off his ‘stash and incognito went to see
Where AI-faked DNC crowds went to poop and/or pee.

Mike Lindell claims the battle fought between evil and good
Is raging because Dems don’t excrete where God says they should
So undercover he snuck in to evidence obtain
That from unisex bathrooms evil Dems cannot refrain
No evidence his incognito sneaking’s yet revealed
Perhaps the toilets he looked in weren’t those where it congealed?

23 August 2024

Mike Lindell Shaved Mustache to go ‘Incognito’ at DNC and Investigate Unisex Bathrooms: “Spiritual Battle of Evil and Good”.

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