Monday, August 26, 2024

Achilles Heel

The Democrats have finally found the way to make Trump squeal
And not in the normal way his pig lips with whines deal
They have discovered is to mock him and so ridicule
They now apply to make him a befuddled whiny fool
Unable to project the pretend power he before
Used to abuse his foes and make his cultists him adore.

The Democrats have finally found the key to Trump’s undoing:
They’ve made his fat butt the butt of their ridicule that’s skewing
Polls by making voters laugh along with them at him
Which makes the tough guy image bullies try to wear grow thin
Ridicule’s the key they’ve finally found to doors unlock
To gain access to his fragile ego and it shock.

The Democrats have finally found the way to Trump attack
Is not to point out that the world’s dictators have his back
And not to stress that a traitorous tyrant he’ll become
If cultists he cons cast enough votes to elect the scum
His ego thrives on hearing he’s called names that strength connotes
And ridicule’s befuddled him because strength it demotes.

The Democrats have finally found Trump’s true Achilles Heel
Which anyone who’s learned to handle bullies says is real:
Ridicule’s the one solution they’ve been looking for
That gets under Trump’s thin skin and therein deep down does bore
Mocking him with ridicule to throw his brain off base
And leave him playing golf and stewing at a frenzied pace.

26 August 2024

Finally, the Democrats Have Found Trump’s Achilles Heel: Ridicule Him.

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