Sunday, July 7, 2024

Swing State Swings

Don’t read polls if you want to perceive what’s bound to happen
Come November when both candidate’s mouths quit their flappin’
About how only one can save America alone
Or how all should ignore old age to which the other’s prone
Because depending on which poll on which day you peruse
You’ll find your guy is bound to win until he’s bound to lose.

A new swing state poll predicts media has got it wrong
By calling for Joe Biden’s head as its newest swan song
Because after that bad debate he’d so totally blown
He’s closer to Trump than all polls have previously shown
Tomorrow those polls will declare the opposite pertains
As back and forth they swing to fling to each in turn lead reins.

Take the polls for what they’re worth which isn’t much at all
Remember Nate Silver’s poll numbers on which Dems did call
To be assured the male glass ceiling Hillary would break
Until Trump’s win drove deep within our nation’s heart a stake
Of tyranny polls say we’re doomed to see again unfold
Until they swing again to make democracy more bold.

7 July 2024

Take that, Biden doubters: New swing state poll shows media is wrong about race vs. Trump.

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