Saturday, July 6, 2024


The snake-man who is Donald Trump is lying once again
This time about a project written with a poison pen
About which he claims he knows nothing, not one thing at all
Despite the fact it describes policies on which he’d call.

Basically Trump’s plan for tyranny in the U.S.
Lies at the heart of the Project 2025 mess
His claim he knows nothing of it’s an easy to prove lie
It’s just one more lie we’ve all come to expect from the guy.

The reason he lies about what the Project’s all about
Is that it turns off voters in overwhelming amount
Only extreme right wing nuts want policies it holds
So he must lie about knowing it as the race unfolds.

But sudden strident lies about not knowing about it aren’t playing
Very well, in fact the opposite is what they’re saying
A backlash is developing against both him and it
Because they both exemplify neo-fascist bullshit. 

And so another lie among so many thousands spewed
He’s hoping deflects voter awareness of plans pursued
By Project 2025 of which he’s so aware
That one more lie denying he knows it won’t backlash pare.

6 July 2024

“I know nothing”: Trump claims ignorance over Project 2025 that his ex-staffers crafted.

Trump Tries, Fails, to Distance Himself from Project 2025

“The Man is a Snake” Donald Trump Faces Backlash for Claiming He Doesn’t Know Anything About Project 2025

“He is far too senile”: MSNBC’s Chris Hayes unloads on Trump over “desperate” Project 2025 move.

“Toxic”: Experts mock Trump’s sudden and strident Project 2025 denial.

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